Portfolio Nocodao – My projetcs

Welcome to the showcase of my digital creations! Each of these projects embodies the fusion of technology and creativity, reflecting my commitment to bringing unique visions to life. To discover professional websites, explore below for a glimpse of my work.

These examples illustrate the diversity of my skills and my tailor-made approach to each project.

Brand Showcase Site

Showcase site

Style: Professional & Technical



Website design for a brand of electrical equipment.

Modern showcase site for Batilec, specialist in electrical equipment. Discover their reliable and innovative products, with clear and intuitive navigation.

Project screenshot

E-Commerce Showcase Site

Showcase site

Style: Modern & sleek



Website design for an e-commerce company.

Dynamic showcase site for Konexion, a specialist in sales on marketplaces. Clear presentation of their services and expertise, with a modern, professional design.

Project screenshot

Hair Salon

Showcase site

Style : Chic & Functional

See the project on video


Example of a website for a beauty salon.

Captivating showcase site for an elegant Parisian hair salon. Discover the art of hairdressing, the chic atmosphere, with online booking.

Project screenshot

Parisian restaurant

Showcase site

Style : Modern

See the project on video


Example of a website for a bistro, restaurant or café.

Creation of a showcase site displaying all practical information for visitors, the bistro menu, online reservations and much more.

Project screenshot

Restaurant Parisien 2

Showcase site

Style: Traditional & Charming

See the project on video


Second example of a website for a bistro, with a different style.

Creation of a showcase site displaying all practical information for visitors, with an older, French, traditional style.

Project screenshot

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